Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

August 28th Dr. Appointment

Doctor's appointment was uneventful, even though we were there 90 minutes or so. Everything is still looking good . We got phone numbers from the office for pediatricians as well as the hospital so we can schedule lamaze classes as well as a hospital tour and a talk on a epidural.

Speaking of epidurals, Jessica is currently planning on not having one. She's mostly concerned about not being able to move during labor, as well as paralysis dangers and just wanting to experience labor in its entirety.

I think it might be a good topic to throw out for thoughts and comments. What are your thoughts on epidurals?

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

It's a.......


We think . The ultrasound went well, baby looks healthy, brain, heart (4 chambers), spinal cord looked good. 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 kidneys. They did measurements, looked at a lot of stuff and everything looks normal.

The baby was moving around a lot and was not being cooperative with getting a shot between the legs, but from a bottom angle, the tech thought it is a girl so we're going forward with that assumption.

Here's a video of the baby and it's heart beating!

Baby's Right Hand

Baby is looking up

Mom to be

Here's a photo of the glowing mother to be, right before the sonogram!

The smiles on the way out were even bigger!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Ultrasound is 1 Week Away!

We're very excited about next week's ultrasound, particularly since the baby has been kicking Jessica pretty frequently. I have a much harder time feeling it than she does (being on the outside), but I've been able to feel the baby a couple times when Jessica is holding very still.

Jessica is also feeling better, though she got sunburned over the weekend. She's going through lots of aloe and cocoa butter!

After the ultrasound, then we'll really have to get serious about picking out a name!

Thursday, August 10, 2006


Amongst not feeling well, Monday, I felt the baby move. It was very strange, but SO incredible at the same time. I wasn't sure what I was feeling but, that night when we were going to sleep Brad was able to feel the movement as well.

Work has been crazy right now, but it is kinda cool to have my baby with me during the long days. At least I have some sort of home when I am in hour 12.

Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Feeling Better

Jessica is starting to feel better now that the medicine is kicking in, but she's been working crazy long hours (coming home after 9 pm). Hopefully work will settle down soon!

We're excitied about our next ultrasound and we've decided we will find out the sex of the baby if we are asked. We figure it'll be a surprise whenever it happens!

Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Another MD Appt

I had to go back to the doctor's office today for some minor irritants and learned that the test for Down Syndrome came back normal. Both of us are very pleased with that outcome. We will follow up with a Level 2 ultrasound, that will do additional measurements of the baby to verify no other abnormalities but no amino needed. (We will also find out the sex of the baby at this appointment.) I also received a list of our next appointments up until delivery day. We have two more months of having monthly appointments, then we move to biweekly appointments, and in December we go every week. Hopefully the Westchase office will be opened for the August appointment.